Terms of services


This website (and its services) are provided "as is" without any express warranty of any kind; you use this website at your own risk. In no event shall the authors, or any other person or company that works at or owns the website, be liable for any consequential, incidental, direct, indirect, special, punitive, or other damages whatsoever arising out of this agreement or the use of or inability to use the website (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profit, even if the service's sole authors have been advised of the possibility of such damages.

Usage of service:

You agree to not damage, flood, or attack the website, and you agree to not use a website for any objectionable, illegal, malicious, or illicit purpose, or for any purpose which will be prejudicial to the authors. You agree that you do not access websites in a highly uncivilized or faulty manner or to a high level or highest level of the latter. You agree to not use this website or its services if their use is prohibited by law within the country during which you're residing. Any use of our services to infringe on the copyright is extraordinarily prohibited. You guarantee that you are the legal owner of the file or that you have the right to transfer and modify the file automatically once you transfer a file on our website. We've got no management over however this service is employed or what type files are uploaded in it; you're only to blame for however you employ it.

Other terms of usage:

You may not use our website or its services for any illegal activity, including but not limited to viewing illegal content, sharing copyrighted intellectual property, or sending threatening, harassing, or abusive email. You agree that you will not use webmail services to send spam or unsolicited email. You agree not to visit the websites of banks or credit card companies. You are not allowed to tally our website with other websites, services, or products. You agree not to use our website or its services to abuse, damage or attempt to gain unauthorized access to any website. This includes, but is not limited to, overcoming any restrictions that other webmasters may have implemented against your IP address and accessing content that is unavailable in your country, computer, office, or blocked by your isp.

External links:

This website may recommend the purchase or use of external services by including links to third-party websites or services. This website is not responsible for web pages linked to its websites, and as a result, will not be responsible for the contents presented on any of these websites. You visit such web pages at your own risk, subject to their terms, conditions, and legal notices, for which this website is not responsible. Additionally, this website assumes no liability for the content posted on its pages. Some of the content on this website may be generated automatically based on user actions or scripts.

Applied laws:

Our offices are located in Italy. The laws of Italy govern this end-user license agreement (including the privacy policy and the terms of service written on this page). The exclusive competence of the tribunal of Perugia (pg), Italy, in any dispute arising from this agreement and/or its interpretation, except in the case of matters reserved to the jurisdiction of the specialized sections in intellectual property, in which case the only competent court will be in Florence Italy.

Warranty less:

We make every effort to provide a service that is effective and free of errors. We work hard to provide support by email whenever possible and to provide accurate information on our services at all times. Any services provided on this website, on the other hand, are provided "as is" without any warranty of any kind. We do not guarantee their availability, accuracy, completeness, or the support available for them. We may without notice add, change, remove, or discontinue the services provided.

Policy changes:

The right to alter these terms and conditions at any time and unexpectedly is reserved by us. If any changes are made, the revised terms and conditions are announced on this online page as shortly as possible. Please review the foremost recent info announced here to learn of any changes. If you've got any questions, please contact us via email.

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